Saturday, June 3, 2017

May Madness- The evolving dining room

The kitchen and dining room are the heart of the house. We certainly hope that will be true in our little old house. Compared to the tiny, one person farm kitchen and even tinier dining room, our new space holds lots of promise. We love the west facing windows,  open feeling and "table for 10" dining area. The pink insulation day was a big one. After looking at wires, plumbing, gas lines and measuring carefully every future nail hole we might want, it was a glorious day to have it all get covered up. Hopefully, we will never see it again.

Entry area has the whole house fan and two of the 30 recessed lights. Everything is on dimmers to create whatever mood we are in the mood for.

Our dry waller tackled the lower areas single handed. These are 12 foot sheets of drywall. Unbelievable. Note the "secret opening along the left side. This is my linen closet that will have doors on the bedroom side and have space for linens inside the dining room wall built-in. A false fronted built-in cabinet will be our little secret.

Side door area.

Look at all of those recessed places.  Lights, chandelier, fan. What else could I possibly want.

More drywall sheets. All hands on deck.

Taping day.
Starting to look like a real house. Mudding, floors and cabinets are next!!

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