Saturday, June 3, 2017

May Madness- Beautiful (sort of) back door

This poor door has gone through the proverbial wringer, but finally hung, she seems to be swinging along well and ready to give another 120 years of service. Doors are tricky, you have to make sure the swing, hardware, locks and glass are all on the right sides to make it work as designed. .\Due to changes in plans, this door had to have several face lifts to get everything in the right place.  But here she is., in her glory and with the same "Apple" sticker that she had when I met her in Berkeley. nearly a year ago

From the inside you can see the gentle glint of the glue chip blue stained glass accents. these corner were originally broken so we decided to doll them up a bit.

Drywall surround

Heavy duty brass nob and lock will stand the test of time. All of our hinges and locks are reproductions because 120 year old hardware becomes a constant repair job due to wear and tear.

Pretty little lock cover adds a bit of elegance to the porch entrance.

Hidden lock was all the rage in the 1890's.

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