Monday, July 3, 2017

Spray paint and tile

Spray painting the walls and trim leaves an eerie image form the living room.

Our porcelain tile has the illusion of aged marble with flowing veins and a nearly flat finish. Our priority is to complete the laundry room. Even more than the kitchen, we miss being able to process our sweaty work out clothes.

The master bath gets the same tile application.

Once you have made a decision, my motto is "stick with it". So we dress the powder room the same.

The exterior temperatures reach above 100 degrees, so we start to enjoy the powerful cooling of our whole house fan.  As soon as the outside temp drops to 85 in the evening, we turn it on and it clear out the heat over night, leaving the house in the cool 60's in the morning. We are pretty comfortable until about 4 pm and then we head out for dinner and don't return until it has begun to cool.

Laundry room finished, now we just have baseboards and hook-ups.

Bathroom done and grouted, we chose a resin grout that will not need sealing our accumulate dirt over time.

Laundry and powder rooms side by side.

Finished shower with beautiful veining. Simple and elegant, we decide to dump our border ideas at the last minute.

Wainscotting circles behind the toilet.

Tiny grout lines and the epoxy-like grout make this option pretty indestructible. We find grout dirt is our nemesis, so we are reducing grout and opting for the more expensive, but less porous option.

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