Thursday, July 13, 2017

Experimental projects in the back yard

I have been researching the idea of staining our blah back slab for many weeks.  Finally, the times is right and I launch into the unknown.

Slab staining is described as a "DIY" project. I am not sure that is entirely accurate. The prepping sequence is intense and requires a power sprayer and lots of patience. After removing all of the stuff we have been storing on the slab, then removing the leaves that blow in all day and night. I did a thorough power spray cleaning, then applied a green gel to etch the concrete.   After the gel coat and another power spray, the cement section is really porous and ready to accept stain.

I wanted to reflect the colors and design of our Victorian doors, so I marked out a pattern that loosely recreates the back door. I put bright blue in the corners hoping to brighten up the area and bring the bright blue color from the interior door to the outside. My spray technique was totally amateur. I got over-spray on the grass, on the unpainted areas and it is pretty much a mess.

I should have used more protective drop clothes and used lighter coats of this dark stain.

The back door pattern with the blue corners.

I decided to put a bright orange down the center and I used gray-green for the side lights. Not at all sure this was a good choice. It got very thick and pooling in places  and very light in other places. My hand pump sprayer is the worst. My professional painter gave me some advice, a bit too late for this part of the project. Our spa should cover most of my first mistakes.

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