Saturday, April 1, 2017

The walls going up February and March 2017

They built the walls on the floor and lifted them into place. This is the dining room window.
Dining room bay window finished with cross supports to keep it in place until the hardware is in.

10-foot ceiling joists are added along with exterior walls.   We can now see the dropped passage between dining and kitchen areas.

Side door frame with plastic cover for the rain.

This is looking toward the master bedroom as the roof framing above goes up.

Looking from master bedroom, we see how high the roof will be and the framing seems to reach to the clouds.

View from side door, through dining to laundry room and master bath. The two small windows are master bath windows.

Sunset out the kitchen bay windows. The framing of back door reveals the extraordinary height and size of the reclaimed back door. I am hoping it will look proportional from the front door.

View from the top of the attic ladder. Framing for back porch and attic space is illuminated during sunset.

Original dormer will be covered by the flat top of the new roof which will match the original roof line. The will crisscross in this interesting pattern but be invisible to the exterior but we will see this when walking from the new to the old attic spaces.

The master has an oversized west-facing window. I call this an "architectural surprise". We didn't realize the size of this window until it was framed and now we love the airy feel this private window seat gives the small room.

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