Saturday, April 1, 2017

February 16 storm. Bring out the buckets!

Before the storm, all "buttoned up"

Once the rain begins, it is uncontrollable. Pouring in from every surface.

We use ladders, boards, cross beams to keep the tarps from buckling.

Bubbles like this cause me to text the contractor late Friday afternoon.

The laundry basket worked as a buffer to keep the lumber from piercing the tarp. Every long broom, flat ended piece of lumber and rounded smooth item we could find went into the "save the wood" effort.

Raiders helmet from the truck was also sacrificed.

Despite our efforts, water still pooled where ever it could (see right of photo)

Keeping the rain running off, rather than pooling in the middle became a late-night circus.

The next morning, water damage was minimal, mop up and fans to dry it out worked to keep the insulation under the floor dry.

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