The original picture rails must have been removed when the ceilings were dropped back in the 60's. Getting replicas of the originals has been a bit of a challenge, but they arrived and were installed today. Without any paint, they seem rather small and irrelevant circling the room, but with the white "cap" and the taupe walls, they will stand out, I hope. You may wonder, why picture rails? The idea is that plaster walls are fragile and easily marred with nails, so the rail is placed so pictures can be hung without ever placing a nail in the walls. Art galleries use rails so they can move pictures frequently without having to remove and patch lots of holes. We hope to preserve our new walls by suspending our pictures.
I am taking on the job of painting, since painters seem to be hard to employ and we are getting anxious to move ahead.
The color selections are nearly final and I am so tired of looking at colors I am moving ahead anyway. If we hate them, we will repaint. I promised the contractor that I would not attempt to do the final prep on the new rails. He is skeptical about my ability to fill holes and caulk. Fine with me, those are not my favorite chores.
Tomorrow we start working on getting one of the double-hung bedroom windows opened. It has been painted shut for years so we may have a struggle. The last attempt we made to fix a window, ended with a window that will open, but is now broken.
The tile sits in the back yard, the tile guy went AWOL on us. As things get closer to being finished, it gets harder to wait for these specialists to get their act together.
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