I was out of town from August 24 through 29, 2015, so the photos stopped, but the destruction, reconstruction, and dust continued. "G" moved to his parents as the dust got too intense. As soon as I returned, we had to move all of our furniture out of the house to allow the "floor guy" to get started. Everything is happening so fast now, we have lost hold of our "stuff" and are just putting random things in boxes and getting it out of the "line of fire".
Here is some of the progress so far.
Walls are finished and sealed on August 28, 2015
Old windows still in place, ceilings not yet painted.
Walls finished and sealed.
Floors are being patched using wood from the kitchen floor. The dark areas are the patches.
Selecting a stain, we went with the middle stain, not willing to commit to a dark or a light:)
The kitchen floor has been literally sacrificed for the good of the dining room. All of this floor only provided a few good/usable pieces. Now we can see the basement from the dining room. A bit scary, but a plywood floor will soon be in place.
This was taken before the kitchen floor was removed. Say good-by to our little old kitchen.
Say "Hello" to our beautiful wood floors. Carpet, staples, nails and first layers of old varnish are gone. Patches going in place where the old vents had been and where the prior owners put plywood patches. Careful removal of damaged areas leaves slots for the new/old pieces to be inserted. Not sure how he does it, but by the end of two days, all of the patches are in place and time for the wood putty "face mask" to remove all of the pits, imperfections and holes. Wish my face could get one of these.
Left to dry overnight before the four cycles of sanding begin. Note the new windows are in place, waiting for framing. The floor is as smooth as paint at this point, the wood putty is coated on to fill every crack. It won't stay this smooth, but sure looks interesting today. In three days the floors will be stained, varnished and sanded repeatedly until they reveal their true selves. I should be back in town just in time to see the finished product. I'm meeting "M" and driving her and her doggy home for a quick visit.
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